courtesy of kastner's flickr tool. how fun, weeee! big thanks to EuroCanuck for the intro. how did you know i love random pic tools?! lovely to see you're spreading some canuck love in euro-land...when the going gets cold, the cold get a-skiing, huh?
March 30, 2005
courtesy of kastner's flickr tool. how fun, weeee! big thanks to EuroCanuck for the intro. how did you know i love random pic tools?! lovely to see you're spreading some canuck love in euro-land...when the going gets cold, the cold get a-skiing, huh?
posted by Neha
3:47 PM
March 29, 2005
posted by Neha
4:18 PM
Dune and the 21st century
just have a gander at these quotes that i have plucked from my much-underlined dune series. so relevant, so wise, so kickass.
The cynical view. And rulers are notoriously cynical where religions are concerned. Religion, too, is a weapon. What manner of weapon is religion when it becomes the government?
[...and it follows...]
When law and duty are one, united by religion, you never become fully conscious, fully aware of yourself. You are always a little less than an individual.
- from "Muad'Dib: The Ninety-Nine Wonders of the Universe" by Princess Irulan
He who controls Arakis, controls the Spice, and he who controls the Spice, controls the Universe!
- Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
[replace 'spice' with 'oil' or 'money' and voila...too easy.]
The innocent do not believe in evil.
-Scytale as Lichna
[preach it, frank, YEAH!]
[and my personal favourite...]
What is more ridiculous than a Death Commando transformed into a priest?
-Paul Atreides
posted by Neha
10:25 AM
March 28, 2005
The Sikh religion would never accept such MPs,nobody would support such a person having such dirty thoughts in their mind because it is against the Sikh religion and the Sikh code of conduct and totally against the laws of nature....said the Vedanti (speaking of CANADIAN members of parliament vs. the gay marriage bill) FROM AMRITSAR. why some folks come so far to tell others what to do with their completely beyond me. but what a way to gain an audience, whoo boy, he may as well have shot lightening bolts out of his retinas.
some have been driven away by sheer terror of anomy but not mr. navdeep bains, nuh uh. impressive. bad indian boy.
posted by Neha
10:15 PM
"sometimes sometimes, in my heart, a thought comes..."
this past long weekend was a holistic exercise in Relaxo-Rage. that's relaxing after raging to get to the optimal relaxation point (often known as 'the weekend'). relaxo-rage is a type of fast-paced relaxation, fuelled by rage momentum.
our relaxo-rage adventures took D and i to a very special party on saturday. it was a two in one event, celebrating the 'happy birddays' of one Prince Fantastik and his wife...err, i mean, best friend...Homesick Immigrant. any house party with its own flyer is a good time by me, here's the terrific flyer:

that's Homesick, looking rather homesick. Prince did not get his own flyer as his birthday was almost two weeks ago...the flyer-less Prince was out in full form regardless. sporting an unmentionably 'classy' teenage millionaire tee, he did as much damage as a drunk uncle at a jehovah wedding. at one point i caught Prince stroking his growing belly and i saw a tear roll down his sweet face, as if saying, "i know, belly, i know youse wanting one more, but the drink is all gone, luv".
one of our hosts for the evening was a certain lady named Lease and she kicks auntie-butt. i googled a name i saw in much of her art and found her website,surface photography, wee! her photography is a powerful portrayal of man-made landscapes, urban life through a romantic lens. detailed, thoughful, comforting, and above all, aesthetically orgasm-inducing, in mine nethers anyway, wee!
Fantastik party, thank you, have more birthdays, make more blog entries, send softcopy of 'get juiced' party flier, k? :-)
so ya, the Prince and the Immigrant lived happily ever after...*happysigh*
kabhi kabhi, mere dil mey, khayal aata hai...
posted by Neha
1:15 PM
"The marking on the shell was like the devil wanted us to know he was down there"
i know i would never sleep if i agreed with that. a hideously alien creature sending me scary messages from the beyond! i'd split into a few personalities instead.
posted by Neha
7:17 PM
'sounds' like a plan
[addiction, you say? of course, that's the currylingual way, spice don't stop for nobody.]
the basic idea is, you request a type of track (eg. "something about rain and turtles") and he makes a tune. you can also relate requests to lyrics, moods, dedications, remixes, and the whole she-bangs. if you are broke-like-me then your free request enters a massive pool, keep fingers firmly crossed as you hope and pray that the maestro will see it fit to produce your request. if you're high-rollin, then pay the man dammit!
i made a request last week, it was a free one, still no sight of it but i'm darling readers, request some tunes, it's a race, yeee-haaaw!
posted by Neha
1:45 PM
March 21, 2005
someone, ANYONE, stripperpixie is in dire need of creation. don't forget the areolas...
posted by Neha
3:56 PM
the wench and i have parted ways, she's off revealing herself to a select group of null-nipple fetishists. i have taken on a new edition pixie, hope her kimono can stay on for a at least a couple months...
posted by Neha
3:46 PM
does my boy have rabies or is it just cabin fever?
the following symptoms have been observed of the subject (d-rock):
people, i am afraid. i opted for a man and got a rabid wolverine instead. he is mighty cute so i stroked his fur, he calmed down greatly, i think it was more the new episode of surreal life that he'd been waiting for all week.
the winter has been tough on all canadian creatures. cabin fever has reached a heated pitch, march madness has ensued. my pet is tired of looking at my face all day. i need to get out more.
are there any girls out there that want to be friends? i don't like: shopping with a group of people, getting manicures/facials/etc., watching 'date' movies. if you qualify and share my distaste then please, hook a sista up.
posted by Neha
9:37 AM
woa, that's a big wave, woa, that guy's crazy!
March 19, 2005
i solemnly declare that i will surf at least once on a decent size (about 2 feet) wave before i die...
posted by Neha
4:15 PM
"updated frequently"
March 18, 2005
"For a century and a half now, America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times."
—Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 18, 2002
and new favourites:
"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the table."
—Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 22, 2005
posted by Neha
8:35 PM
it's ALIVE!
what makes this type of cartooning around particularly fun is that it's all in german. woohoo! this means you get to read the title, eg. "Schmusekatze", and think, "woa, someone sounds angry!". then you view the animation and it turns out to be really cute little kitty. ha!
oh bavaria, your angry tongue is but a cover for your soft, creamy sensibilities. mmmmm...bavaria...
posted by Neha
10:25 AM
stop blathering and gives us a verdict already...
March 17, 2005
- the wolfowitz appointment - vai no bono, vai? as a result, the world bank will play host to the very first "Developing Death Match", where contenders from developing nations will get greased up to fight each other in a metal cage...TILL DEATH *gasp*. only people from poor, starving, conflict-ridden, and disease-stricken countires need apply. the DDM will be refereed by condi rice but since there are NO RULES she will spend most of her time scowling offensively.
- bernard ebbers - life in prison. terrible sentence, shows a complete lack of imagination. they should've taken all his possessions, put him up in council housing in alaska, NOT on the bleedin' dole but on a strict schedule of the "milk distribution engineer" type, just like the good old days...hey, it's less expensive than paying for his ass in prison.
- robert blake's aquittal - bonny lee bakely has saved her man's life by ruining her own. i found it difficult to see beyond her past to a guilty blake. i am not surprised that the jury had a similar problem. that said, the evidence was heavy on the circumstantial side. now, robert, go do another lost highway for us and make yourself usefull will ya?
- air india trial finale - not guilty. i've got nothing smartass to say about this one. the verdict has taken 20 long years, the kids orphaned as a result of the air india bombings are now adults. very angry adults. yet not many of them have been asking for blood, only justice. not death, but recognition of guilt. that, friends, is a noble sentiment. it breaks my cold, stone heart to pieces.
- scott peterson - death. not a surprise by ANY means, not even in cali.
- MJ - *sigh* the saga continues...don't have much to say about him that hasn't been said already. i'm just listing him for the link, check that page out. the brits have gone completely barmey over him, there seems to be a new king around london town. even the guardian for chrissakes! my obsession with this trial is thus validated...ahem.
and lastly but i'm sure not the 'leastly',
over & out.
posted by Neha
12:22 PM
oow, me so ho*ny
March 16, 2005
and now, for a little funnyfunny. this is what i do to sleeping interns:

[shukriya, samir, aa badhi fine fine links matay]
posted by Neha
11:44 AM
if i were a stalker...
March 10, 2005

i would plaster them, first, in the study (read 'closet'), then the dining room (read 'where my compu sits'), then the living room (read 'ugly couch-land'), and finally, in the bedroom (read 'eden'). at this point my mayn (that dude i live in sin with) would start worrying. and there would be no more harold & kumar for neha.
ah yes, every stalkey stalkerson needs a good montage generating application...
no, this post is not about stalking (again!). it is about grant robinson's genius. i've never had so much fun on a web-site (sounding like a big ol' agoraphobe aren't i?). you'll see what i mean. czech out the man's portfolio. he is truly wunderbar. all projects on main page are brilliantly crafted, who the hell knew inter[net]action could be so JHAKAAS!
posted by Neha
2:51 PM
March 06, 2005
with post-modern thoughts of the impending apocalypse fresh in my mind, i turned my attention to a brilliant doc on the aids epidemic on cbc newsworld titled, a closer walk. it's playing again at 10 pm tonight (eastern). for the amreekans, i dunno if your soul-less news networks are on to this puppy yet but check out the film's website for more information (trailer here).
a very educating, deeply saddening work. the segment on india is particularly shocking. the spread of aids in india is still only fresh in recent memory (in the history of infection). but it serves up a far worse future with incredibly high population growth.
one can't help but wonder:
1. why should it have to cost $500 a day for mass-produced drugs to stay alive?
2. why in india, do enough high profile actors/businessmen/socialite extraordinaire (i won't say politicians, that case is hopeless) not play a bigger role in the charity circuit?
...and why does charity not appear in any media spotlight, at least in my experience? there aren't too many 'for a good cause' type events to be read about in the countless glam rags. just a goodwill attempt or two of a bejewelled starlet opening her sister's, husband's, brother's, son's homeopathy centre. i'm not knocking the homeopathy, just the apathy to do anything that doesn't involve 'scratching' people's backs. you know, use the force us entertainment-starved masses have bequeathed on you to do something other than just fuck-about.
excuse me, i'm ranting...but you hear me, watch the doc.
posted by Neha
1:47 PM
March 05, 2005
i just want some action, a little satisfaction;
send me to my fate, morning night and day...
that's hot.
i just spent a grosse amount of the last hour reading PINK is the new BLOG...*rubs eyes* who am i, WHAT have i become?!
[many thanks for the intro, anna, from sepia mutiny, your words are delicious! a girley just can't help but snoop through your diary...]
posted by Neha
11:09 AM
i have the POWER! *he-man styles*
March 03, 2005
i wrote a haiku for my template:
letters seem random
snowfall of brackets and dots
don't forget the slash
posted by Neha
7:27 PM
enough to turn a good girl badass
many thanks, bad indian girl, this is your shiny century. i gush, i do. having spent many a moment arguing my views on the great indian tome of tradition (wot's the fuss about not being able to cook to save my own life?), the next person to cross this chokri's path is going get a direct link to aforementioned site along with one tight slap *hair toss*.
the hate mail is especially worth a read. it gives me goosebumps like i ususally get when watching the dandi march scene in gandhi.
posted by Neha
12:17 PM
posted by Neha
10:12 AM
March 02, 2005
later that night... him and his *ha* virgin crew turn loose on lucid. a club, which i shall never link to. their site is a pus filled sore that you don't want to be looking at. that's right, i said it. really abrasive.
posted by Neha
7:12 PM
March 01, 2005
"ganda chokra, ganda chokra, soo kar-so?". heehee, oooohoohoo.
posted by Neha
8:11 PM
quit yer stalking, stalkey
i repeat: what is it with indian boys and stalking?
i don't mean ALL boys, but i do find that a disproportionate amount of stalker stories i come across (in this land, that land, every land) involve a stalker of sub-continental bearing. i guess there's always......faaaaak, he's back! stop messaging me you eggit! ahem...yes, i guess there's always those freaky few that ruin it for the rest of the lads.
now, how do you block someone who's not on your contact list without having to change entire email i.d.? any suggestions?
posted by Neha
3:34 PM