Remember that dude who was looking for a lady that would
kick him in the balls for $100 an hour? Well, he wrote again a couple of weeks ago:
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Luke
Date: Nov 26, 2005 1:22 PM
No sex, no nudity, just an open-mind and an ability to kick a guy in the balls. That's it!!! Sounds like fun? provided up-front at all times.
If you're interested, give me a shout and I will respond as soon as possible.
Thanks, Well, now you can make serious money - $100 an hour every time. There is no catch and the money is
Ideal Person: A dominant young woman, with a bitchy attitude who knows how to treat a submissive(i.e. like dirt!).
That is the exact same letter as last time but his profile pictures have grown in quantity. Not only that, in every picture of "him" getting kicked in the balls the girls are wildly hot. Have a look:

So, curiosity gets the better of me and I shoot back an email:
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: currylingus
Date: Dec 8, 2005 11:39 AM
For reals? Can I bring my bodyguard? Do you really let people kick your balls around for a whole hour? Or does that part just take 2 seconds? I'm curious? Am I part of a mass email campaign or do I just look like a bitch?
The response quite frankly came as a surprise. This is My Space we're talking about, home of the Mannimal Assahaurus who is defined by an overly generous self-image and a crude neadrathal linguistic capacity. This below reopens is actually better worded than most of the messages I get from dudes that aren't even looking for a kick in the junk:
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Luke
Date: Nov 26, 2005 1:22 PM
RE: RE: $100/HR. TO KICK A GUY IN THE NUTS!!! INTERESTED?(TORONTO) Body: Hi currylingus;
Thank you kindly for responding to my ad. Yes , I am very serious about doing this - in fact, I have done it for over three years.
Of course, you are welcome to bring someone along to accompany you to the session and you can even bring another participant if you wish(more details about this below). And, indeed, the entire one hour session does involve kicking. Lastly, you were selected on a more or less random basis, however, your pictures were helpful in making that decision(I will leave the question of whether I feel you look like bitch aside, since its possible that this comment will leave me in a no-win situation). However, here are some further details that will help you in making your decision.
Well, the premise of these sessions is quite simple, really. To be blunt, your main task is to kick and stomp me in the balls. That's it! In recognition of your time (anywhere from 45 to 60 minutes) and effort you will be paid $100, upfront.
Typically, the first questions participants have about this session is both when and where can such an activity take place. The former depends upon our schedule, of course, but generally I myself am free on any weekends towards the evening hours.
As to the latter question, I always aim to select a neutral venue outside where it is both safe and discreet for both parties involved. Most frequently, the location of choice is at my school's campus @ York University (Keele/Steeles) on a small baseball field that is nice and open, but without any pedestrians. So far, I've had over 10 sessions there that went very well, without any interruptions. However, if you have another suitable (safe & private) location in mind that you are more comfortable with then please let me know.
I am always open to any questions or suggestions that you may have.
P.S. Sometimes participants want to bring a friend along to help them out and because it makes them feel more comfortable. If you have a friend that may be interested, you may bring her along as well. If this occurs, the payment is still $100 (for both) but the session is only 30 minutes long.
Yesterday I recieved another email from him asking whether I was still interested. There is no way in hell I'm trekking up to Keele & Steeles to kick a dude in the nads out in the middle of a baseball field. I am however...Interested. Ladies, I'm looking at you hardest, Bird, is anyone up for a photoshoot? Can I use your pr0n dungeon for this task, Cee Pee? Is anyone willing to provide a posse while someone kicks Luke and someone takes pictures? C'mon, make your parents proud...